The Artist

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Orari, New Zealand
traveler | artist | expat | jedi | wife

Blog Archive

18 May 2011

More Gator Grads!

It has taken me way too long to get these photos up between wedding planning, new zealand immigration forms, unpacking and packing, etc but finally here are some of my favourites! Leah, Camille and Holly, you girls are possibly three of the funniest human beings I have ever met. I had so much fun with you guys and wish you the best of luck in the future. Congrats Class of 2011!


  1. Yay!!! I am so excited to see the rest!! :) THANK YOU

  2. I am right there with Leah!! SO EXCITED! :) :) Thank you again!

  3. Glad you like them! I had so much fun!

  4. Hey lady,

    I totally looked at all of these new blogs last night on my phone and so I couldn't comment, but these are SO FREAKIN' CUTE. You think of the cutest shit.
