The Artist

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Orari, New Zealand
traveler | artist | expat | jedi | wife

Blog Archive

13 February 2010

Mini-shoot of Jaclyn

Well, this is my first official photoblog! I'm not sure why it took me so long to make one, but here it is. I suppose the first blog is going to be my mini-shoot with Jaclyn last week. I started out just taking head shots for Jaclyn for the Miss UF Pageant but it turned into a really awesome mini-shoot. Jaclyn was such a great model too -bubbly, goofy, adorable and not to mention gorgeous. She's a natural for sure. We took most of the photos at the Architecture building on campus and the lighting was fantastic. The blemishes on the wall of the arch building gave the photos an edge that made the designs on her dress just pop. 

Here's a couple of the photos from the shoot. Enjoy!


  1. I think you're great. And I love you.
    So. That's it.

  2. Photographer was amazing!! Made me feel comfortable while taking every shot and nice as can be! Would be more than happy if I were to have another photo shoot with her! Thanks again for everything!
